Double your Real Estate Business in 60 days by working LESS hours

and closing MORE deals.

Turn your business into a well-oiled DEAL-CLOSING machine without losing TIME and MONEY!

A full calendar of booked appointments using the power of immediate and personalized communication with every prospect.

With us, you can completely automate and optimize your entire customer acquisition and retention processes, which will help you not only to attract more clients, and increase the average revenue per client but to also build stronger and deeper relationships with your clients.

Average appointment booking increase: +75%

We only work with realtors & home service providers.
We only use one system.

We are a specialist real estate & home service appointment booking company that works only with real estate agencies and home service providers. We do not work with any other industry.

We get your company in front of the right people, with the right offer & at the right time. We use an in-house developed system combining DFY FB ads, DFY Sales Funnels, Custom CRM Dashboard, Custom Lead Follow-up & Nurture Workflows in order to attract, engage with, and book appointments for you with motivated, qualified ‘ready to buy’ clients.

Average cost-per-appointment reduction: -80%

Leads that convert over and over again. Quality.

Our customers agree that our leads are: cheaper to buy, quicker to close and more reliable to close than anything they achieved on their own via Google ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads – or any other kind of traffic channel they've used in the past.

Average cost-per-sale reduction: -65%

Interested in working with us? Here's what it looks like.

Watch our free case study video. See if you qualify.

Watch our free case study video to make sure you and we can work together – click here now to find out.

Schedule your marketing

strategy session.

You then book a call using the online calendar that’s presented to you. We'll present our strategy to you.

Onboarding & campaign launch within 48 hours.

That’s basically it. We watch your ads like hawks. There’s no time better than now – so click here and let’s start.

Our customer results speak for themselves. Take a look.

Justin K.

"I never thought I could engage with every single lead in less than 60
seconds. I didn't expect that the system would work this great. It's
has completely saved me."

JK Realtor

Patricia M.

"My real estate practice was struggling to find new leads consistently. I had tried everything. Except a Database Reactivation. Now I'm breaking records!"

FirstPat Realty

Mark P.

"These guys are legit. They are true appointment booking masters. If you're on the fence. Just go for it!"

MP Realtor

Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly do I get to see results with your approach?

It takes us roughly 48 hours to get things set up for you, and then we start running your campaigns. Results – in the form of leads - will start coming in within a few hours after we launch your campaigns. In terms of booked appointments – while they can also start appearing from the first day your campaign launch, we would expect it to take a few days before the specific set-up we’ve created for you finally beds in. 

From there, we refine your ads as results come in, looking for small improvements in order to increase overall results. That can take 3 – 4 weeks. But you’ll be getting appointments in the meantime – and we’ll be aiming to run the size of campaign necessary to keep your company fully busy throughout. You need to be able to handle the increased number of appointments and quotes before we begin scaling your ad campaigns further.

What makes your Empathy Sales System different?

Different platforms work very differently for the real estate and home improvement niches. Some are incredibly competitive and very expensive – Google ads, especially. Others, like Facebook ads, barely work at all when done in the old-fashioned and conventional way of generating leads, piling them into an Excel spreadsheet, and eventually contacting them (if ever) 5 days later.

We know this from experience.

But when it comes to finding exclusive leads for real estate businesses & home service providers, we know exactly what works – and that’s getting away from the overly saturated, expensive, and inefficient Google Ads space and taking advantage of the recent massive change we saw in the way the Facebook algorithm works. Since nowadays, FB is doing everything it can to keep users on the Facebook platform and preferably avoid sending them out to other websites and landing pages, Facebook is actually prioritizing the so-called Lead Generation campaigns with FB lead forms.

This allows people to sign up, leave their details, and learn more about a certain offer, business, or promotion while staying on Facebook. We've researched and analyzed the FB Ad library in order to identify the most successful and converting ads in different niches, and we've created fully loaded templates with similar structure, copy, and creatives that you can use to start promoting your business in less than 5 minutes.

When you add our custom, immediate, and direct follow-up appointment booking workflows to the mix, you will completely transform the way you find, close, and retain clients as your entire client acquisition process will be on Autopilot!

And because we only use one appointment booking system and we only work with professionals in the real estate space… we’ve developed a lead generation expertise that is unbeatable by combining the power of personalization with the massive outreach and scalability of modern-day technology.

Lastly, we believe that turning $7,000 into over $3.2 million in revenue qualifies us as experts in the field.

The Empathy Sales System is a living organism that continues to evolve and adapt to the always-changing market environment. This guarantees that your overall marketing strategy & presence will always be top-notch.

Why do you only work with 25 clients at a time?

It's simple. We earn when you earn. Our success is based on your success. In the past, we had made the mistake of taking on too many clients, some of whom were not a great fit simply because their businesses were not at the right stage yet for us to join. What that meant was that the new flow of customers we generated ended up overwhelming our smaller and less-developed clients, and they had to switch off their campaigns while they tried to handle the new workload.

This created bottlenecks and ended up wasting a lot of our time. Since then, we've changed our client policy to ONLY work with clients that are a PERFECT fit for what we do. We need companies that can handle the increase in business and keep the revenues flowing. We only accept 25 clients as of right now, since we have a policy of quality over quantity.

We are looking for businesses that have already figured out how to handle larger volumes of work. Their processes are more robust. They have good people in place. 

For them, handling a fairly sudden uplift in business is a matter of expanding what they already do – rather than having to learn it all from scratch. 

Why must I qualify before I can work with you?

As a continuation of the question above, we are obsessed with delivering top-notch results, and we recognize that we can only bring such results to a specific type of company in the real estate and home improvement space. We are specialists and not generalists, so the pre-qualification process allows us to filter through the high level of demand for the services we offer and only partner with companies we truly believe we can help!

Our plan is to slowly scale our operations and eventually increase the maximum number of clients we accept at a time. However, we only want to do that when we are confident that we can maintain the same quality of service and personalization for ALL clients and not compromise quality for quantity.

At any rate, even if we conclude that it may not be the right time for us to partner right now, we will provide you with a custom roadmap and blueprint on the steps you need to take to grow and scale your business to a position where you can come back and join us at 100%!

What if you work with a competitor of mine in my area, won’t that hurt my business?

That won’t happen. 

Before we take on a new client, we make sure they’re right for us. In other words, we first qualify them (just like we qualify new clients for you).

Part of that qualification is: do we already have a client in the area you operate in?

We routinely refuse to take on clients because their business competes with an existing client’s business. 

So rest assured: if you are our client, then we will not take on a new client in your area of operation. 

We offer a 100% ROI guarantee. If we don't perform you don't pay. Simple as that.

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